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5 Flowers That Add the Perfect Splash of Autumn Colors

5 Flowers That Add the Perfect Splash of Autumn Colors

Oct 16th 2023

Although most people don’t really consider autumn to be the season of lush flowering plants, the truth is there are several varieties of flowers and plants that produce beautiful autumn colors for your garden. Many low-maintenance perennials, such as Chrysanthemums can bring a lovely splash of autumn color. According to the gardening experts at Gardenia, there are over 40 species in the Chrysanthemum genus alone. Let’s look at some other beautiful autumn flowers you can consider planting or picking up at local flower shops.

1. Marigolds

With its brassy warm colors, it’s easy to see why the marigold would be an autumn favorite. They bloom for most of the season and are super easy to maintain. They love full sun, are hearty survivors of hot summers, and are willing to stick around for fall to keep those beautiful colors alive. These are great for hot climates.

2. Lillies

Lillies are beautiful flowers that can be a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, and red, all colors that bring autumnal elements. They are gorgeous perennials, which means they can survive and grow in nature without much help. These are great flowers to buy when you want to display them in your home and not worry about taking too much time caring for them.

3. Mums

These flowers bloom in the fall and can be white, yellow, orange, red, and many other colors. Mums look gorgeous in a bouquet with other colorful flowers or by themselves. Whether you'd like to display them on your counter or outside on the porch, they make a beautiful plant for fall.

4. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are an old-fashioned favorite that never goes out of style. These big, bold bloomers will start their colorful show in the early summer and, with diligent care, will continue to dazzle your garden into the fall. Not only are these lovely outdoors, but hydrangeas also make fantastic cut flowers to bring in and fill vases as well.

If you are looking for more inspiration for autumn gardening, then check out our local flower shops. Give us a call or come by for a visit to see what we have to offer. We offer both delivery and pick up, so you can get flowers any time of the year easily.