Unity Bouquet
The Unity Bouquet sparks the hearts of all Americans with its patriotic beauty and dazzling color. Bright red roses mingle with blue iris arranged amongst white Peruvian lilies and assorted greens. Accented with two American Flags and a red, white and...
Spirited Grace Lily Bouquet
The Spirited Grace Lily Bouquet offers sweet serenity with every fragrant bloom. Bright white Oriental lilies create a simple, yet sophisticated bouquet, arranged in a sleek clear glass vase sending your wish for happiness and tranquility. Lilies...
Serene Selene
Like gazing into a clear blue sky, this Serene Selene arrangement soothes the soul and cheers the heart. Its creamy roses and snowy lilies are arranged in our dazzling cobalt blue vase with white daisies, white carnations and blue hydrangea. Let Arizona...
Peaceful Promise
Send a peaceful floral arrangement that is beautiful as a blue sky. Peaceful Promise is arranged with white lilies, white roses and white carnations. A perfect white and blue flower bouquet that is an ideal gift for a variety of occasions. Let Arizona...
Decadent Dior
Send stunning flowers to celebrate any occasion! With classic floral colors including red roses and pink lilies, our Decadent Dior Arrangement is a wonderful gift to send to a friend or family member for a birthday, get well or anniversary. Let Arizona...
A colorful tribute for someone special, this brilliant bouquet of red, white and blue blooms is both perfectly patriotic and gorgeous. This bouquet features blue hydrangea, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, white carnations, blue...
Revel in the crisp, classic color scheme of pristine white lilies and radiant red roses, presented in a cobalt-hued, frosted glass jar. White asiatic lilies, red roses, red alstroemeria, white button spray chrysanthemums, purple statice and misty blue...
Send Exquisite Lily Flowers in Arizona
Embrace the sophistication and grace of lilies with our collection of blooms. Lilies are renowned for their striking appearance and rich symbolism, representing purity, commitment, and rebirth. Their impressive variety of colors and shapes makes them a perfect choice for any occasion.
Our lilies are carefully selected for their beauty and quality, ensuring a long-lasting impression. Whether it's a thoughtful condolence gesture, a celebration of a milestone, or a token of admiration, our lily arrangements are sure to convey your sentiments eloquently.
Experience the timeless elegance of lilies with our exquisite arrangements. Place your order today with AZ Florist and let these stunning blooms express your emotions in a profound way.